
Running HTML Help Workshop under Wine

Help Workshop is a Microsoft product that creates somewhat compressed help files (.CHM) for use in/with MS programs. The Workshop "main" is a GUI application but there's also a standalone compiler.

Installed and run under Wine in a modern Linux (Ubuntu 8.04), hhw.exe and hhc.exe kept telling me:
HHC5010: Error: Cannot open "C:\windows\temp\TFS483e.tmp". Compilation stopped.

I found a simple fix at The MRPT Project:

You are advised to open "Wine Configuration," set up new configs for hhw.exe and/or hhc.exe . For either or both, in the Libraries tab, add a new override for "itss," then edit it to select "native."

My Wine installation already had an itss.dll in .wine/drive_c/windows/system32, but it was a tiny thing a little over 4 KB in size. I found a "real" itss.dll on the 'net of about 134 KB and plunked that over the installed one.

Both hhw and hhc work for me now.

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